Weekly Bulletin
Glenwood at a Glance
December 13 - 19, 2020
- Worship Services at 8:30 & 10:00 AM online or on-site
Sermon:Series: THE FATHER'S GIFT
Sermon Title: The Father's Love, John 15:7-17
- Please register at glenwoodcc.org/RSVP if you plan on attending in person.
Live Stream Christmas Concert
You are warmly invited to join Colleen Adent for some merry music-making and Christmas cheer as she plays for about an hour, live and unscripted, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 23rd at 7:00 pm. She will be taking your song requests through the YouTube chat feature and playing whatever comes to mind in the in-between times. You are also more than welcome to send her your requests via email or Facebook between now and December 23, and she will look forward to incorporating them into the evening. Here’s the link to the livestream: https://youtu.be/oxXQHOKrADc. If you're not able to join live, you will be able to use the same link to access the recorded version, which will be available after the live event
Christmas Eve Virtual Service
Join us for a special online service this Christmas Eve at Glenwoodcc.org/LIVE as we gather virtually to celebrate our Savior’s birth. The service will be available from 1pm on, and will feature music, scripture, and a Christmas devotional. To participate in candlelighting from home, you may pick up candles and wax guards from Glenwood during services on Sunday or from the front porch, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm.
Songs of Hope Advent Concert
Many in-person Christmas programs and concerts have been canceled this year because of the pandemic. However, The Gospel Coalition is offering a virtual Advent concert beginning on Sunday, December 6 at 5:00 PM. It is a ninety-minute concert and will be available to watch in its entirety any time after this premiere. The concert is free and available to watch streamed from the TGC website: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/video/songs-of-hope-tgc-advent-concert/
FISH Food Pantry
FISH is located in downtown Vancouver and is focused on serving emergency food to hungry and homeless families and individuals of all ages. They have a number of volunteer opportunities right now and could use your help. To find out more, visit glenwoodcc.org/fish
Discipleship at Glenwood
God has designed the body of Christ to be a network of supportive, life-giving, and truth-affirming relationships. As followers of Christ, we are being both transformed and assisting in the transformation of others. This fall, we would love to help you get connected to discipleship opportunities at Glenwood. Visit Glenwoodcc.org/Discipleship to find out more about how you can get involved.
Prayer Chain
If you would like to join the prayer chain in order to pray for the needs of our church family, friends, the community, and our global ministry partners, please email Judy Tremblay at jtremblay@glenwoodcc.org with the email address(es) you would like to add.