Haiti G.O. Team Feb 2017 Day 3
Today was the first day we were on the work site. We are all exhausted, but are extremely satisfied with the day. The Haitians were at the top of their game, and I think we were able to be very helpful. We finished almost all of the masonry in one day, which hasn't happened in quite a while.
Very few Haitians spoke English, which gave us an excellent opportunity to practice our Creole! We butchered and slaughtered nearly every phrase and word, but we could tell they appreciated our efforts.
Working alongside the Haitians was a blessing, seeing how skilled they are in their work was inspiring and doing it all in the name of the LORD was gratifying.
Lunch and dinner were amazing! We ate lunch at the cafeteria on the STEP campus and then dinner at Mason and Lauren's. Both meals nurtured us physically; however, the fellowship with the Haitian workers and Mason and Lauren nurtured us spiritually.
We are constantly encouraged by your prayers and everything that God is revealing to us!
The Haiti Team