Tim Binder Memorial Service
The congregational singing is not on the audio, but Tim's song "Time to Praise Him" is included. The video mentioned at approximately the 57:00 mark is viewable at the below web address where you can also leave comments for family and friends:

Video of the Memorial Service (The video opens with Prelude music. The service begins at the 11:00 minute mark).
It's Time to Praise Him
by Tim Binder
Isn’t it time to praise Him, praise Him for a Life that’s new.
It’s time to praise Him, praise Him for He cares for you.
It’s time to praise Him, praise Him, praise Him.
Jesus, Redeemer, Savior, Friend.
Jesus, Redeemer Savior, Friend.
Verse 1
He looked in my heart. He saw a great need.
Sin tore us apart, no connection between.
His mercy reached out – His heart full of love –
Sent by a kind Father who watched from above.
He entered my world. He took on my flesh.
As a man to die in my place.
Beaten, tired, and worn, crowned in death with my thorns,
To open the way past the veil that was torn.
Verse 2
He calls now to me to live and be free.
He offers a place for all who believe.
He calls me His friend. I cannot conceive
How richly I am blessed to be the friend of the King.
I’ve a place in His throne, a glorious home
With fellowship rich and sweet.
His love overwhelms, kind words and kind deeds,
For I am embraced by the King of all kings.