Ernie and Nancy serve with Crossworld in Ireland and are back with us for a couple more weeks. If you would like to know more about their minsitry, please add your email address to the list available on the Ministry Information Table. New prayer cards are available as well....
Ernie & Nancy Tromsness

In 2014, Ernie and Nancy were asked by Crossworld to return to the agency’s headquarters in Missouri to assist in the development and training of new Crossworld missionaries. This is largely due to the Tromsness's faithful ministry in Ireland, which began in 1980.
The number and maturity of the local evangelical churches in Ireland has grown greatly since that time, and the local evangelical churches are assuming increasing responsibility. The Tromnesses worked in a number of venues: with two churches specifically, developing in those churches a strong internal leadership; with local Irish church leaders in a camping ministry through the Munster Christian Camp committee; and also serving on a committee to see a Christian training and activity center provided for the Southern Irish region.